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Physical Harassment And Discrimination

Physical Harassment and Discrimination Lawyer in New York

Employment Law Attorneys Serving Workers in New York City

Handling the responsibilities of your job can be difficult enough. The last thing any employee should have to face is physical harassment and discrimination from co-workers or supervisors. The workplace harassment lawyers at Phillips & Associates are dedicated to helping New York City residents who have been subjected to illegal conduct on the job. We can help you gather the evidence you need to make a claim against your employer and pursue the compensation that you deserve.

Recognizing Physical Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace

There are many forms of physical harassment and discrimination that occur in the workplace. In general, conduct constitutes physical harassment when it affects an employee’s employment, interferes with his or her performance, or creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive workplace environment. Examples include touching an employee’s clothing, hair, face, and skin, or making intimidating gestures toward the employee. Harassment lawsuits may name defendants other than the employer. They may also include the employer’s agent, a company supervisor, a co-worker, or a non-employee.

Physical Harassment of a Sexual Nature

One of the most common types of harassment that employees experience is physical harassment of a sexual nature. This typically includes situations in which an employer makes unwelcomed sexual advances towards an employee or requests sexual favors from the employee. For example, if an employer touches an employee inappropriately, or creates intimidating physical situations for the employee, such as trapping the employee in a doorway or corner, the employer likely has engaged in physical harassment. According to New York law, physical harassment of a sexual nature can arise over a series of events, rather than being limited to situations involving extreme misconduct.

Physical Harassment Relating to Race

Another common type of physical harassment and discrimination involves race. In a place like New York City, which is filled with individuals from many different ethnic origins, this type of physical harassment and discrimination is not uncommon. In general, racial harassment includes any unwelcome behavior toward you that happens because of your race. This type of harassment and discrimination can take many forms, including jokes, stereotyping, racial epithets, and derogatory names. Sometimes, seemingly innocent comments can take on a racially discriminatory nature when combined with certain hand gestures, physical touching, or physical intimidation. Physical harassment based on race can include impeding or blocking the employee’s movement, or any inappropriate touching of the employee’s clothing or body. An employee can sue his or her employer when these acts create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive workplace, or when they interfere with the employee’s performance.

Physical Harassment Relating to National Origin

Similarly, physical harassment relating to national origin is also prohibited in New York City workplaces. This type of harassment involves treating an employee unfairly based on his or her country or region of birth. Examples of physical harassment based on race include any unwanted touching of the employee’s face, body, or clothing. Many times, harassment based on national origin involves mocking the employee’s accent or making stereotypical comments about people of the same national origin. This type of harassment can also occur when the employee is dating someone or married to someone from another country or geographical location. Like other forms of physical harassment, an employee can take legal action against his or her employer when the harassment creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive workplace, or when it interferes with the employee’s performance on the job.

Seek Legal Guidance in New York City for a Discrimination Claim

If you or someone you know has been the victim of physical harassment and discrimination in the workplace, you may be entitled to compensation. New York has enacted powerful laws that protect employees from improper conduct on the basis of sex, race, and national origin.

Free Consultation and No Attorney Fees Unless We Recover

At Phillips & Associates, our gender discrimination attorneys have guided individuals in New York City through the process of fighting for their rights. We have represented people in all five boroughs, including Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. We offer a free, confidential consultation, so you have nothing to lose. Call us now at (866) 229-9441 or contact us online.

Discrimination Lawyer Success

  • $1.8 Million Race Discrimination

    Jesse S. Weinstein and Gregory W. Kirschenbaum successfully obtained a $1,800,000 unanimous jury verdict in the Southern District of New York on behalf of Plaintiff, John Pardovani. The verdict consisted of $800,000 in compensatory damages and $1,000,000 in punitive damages.

  • $280 Thousand Race Discrimination

    In a race discrimination case, a federal jury in New York found that use of the N-word in the workplace is never acceptable, even when used between black coworkers.

  • $2.2 Million Race Discrimination & Retaliation

    Greg Kirschenbaum was part of the trial team that won a $2.2 million verdict in a race discrimination and retaliation case in 2015. Rosas v. Balter Sales, et al.

  • $1.4 Million Religious & Sexual Orientation Discrimination

    Bryan Arce was part of the trial team that won a $1.4 million-dollar verdict in a religious and sexual orientation discrimination case brought by a Chef, which was the highest employment law verdict in 2012.