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Sexual Abuse

Trustworthy New York Lawyers for Sexual Abuse

Representing Victims in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & Florida

The trauma imposed by sexual abuse can continue to affect a victim long after it has occurred. Sexual abuse may be perpetrated by either a man or woman, and it can occur in same-sex contexts. It is a type of sex crime in which one person or entity subjects another to sexual contact without that person’s consent and it is not only sexual intercourse with penetration that is actionable as abuse. New York has become a strikingly progressive state with regard to fighting for justice for sexual abuse survivors, and there may be forms of relief available to you, if you’ve been sexually abused and deal with emotional scars, physical injuries or other harm, even if, in some cases, these occurred long ago. At Phillips & Associates, our seasoned New York City sexual abuse lawyers offer free consultations and pursue all available relief for clients. 

New York Human Rights Law

Sexual abuse can be actionable as sexual harassment in the workplace, housing, or places of public accommodation such as restaurants. Under the state Human Rights Law and other laws, sexual harassment is prohibited as a type of sex discrimination and may involve unwanted touching or other unwelcome intimate contact, include violence. 

Most often, sexual harassment occurs in the workplace, but it can occur in the form of sex abuse in other contexts as well. For example, if you were sexually assaulted by a restaurant manager while eating out, it may be appropriate to hold his employer liable. Similarly, if you were sexually abused and sex trafficked by your landlord, you may have a claim for damages under the New York State Human Rights Law.

Adult Survivors Act

The Adult Survivors Act (S66) was enacted in May of 2022. The ASA opens a lookback window for those who were over 18 at the time they were sexually abused to pursue their claim in civil court. This allows sexual assault survivors who were at least 18 at the time of abuse to pursue civil lawsuits for that abuse until November 23, 2023, no matter how long ago the assault occurred. The temporary opening of a lookback window recognizes that many survivors experience long-lasting guilt, shame, depression, and other pain as a result of sexual assault, even when it occurred long ago. 

This law overrode the usual short statute of limitations in the state and permitted survivors to sue not only the perpetrator of sexual abuse, but also any institutions or employers that knew or should have known that abuse was occurring. Parties who our lawyers may be able to hold responsible for a perpetrator’s sexual abuse under the ASA include hospitals, counselors, doctors, universities, colleges or coaches.

Attorneys for Victims of Gender Motived Violence Protection Law

Under the New York City Victims of Gender Motivated Violence Protection Law, crimes of violence perpetrated in the five boroughs of New York City due to animus based on a victim’s gender may be the subject of a civil lawsuit. This law, passed in 2000 after a Supreme Court decision that struck down a federal remedy for gender motivated crimes, permits you to pursue monetary damages from your abuser, along with other types of damages or injunctions. The civil proceeding in these cases is distinct from criminal prosecution of the perpetrator for the same behavior. However, the outcome of a criminal case can have a significant bearing on what needs to be proved in the civil proceeding, making it imperative to seek counsel as soon as you can after an attack. 

Consult a Seasoned Sexual Abuse Attorney

If you were sexually harmed, the New York City sexual abuse lawyers of Phillips & Associates may be able to represent you in a lawsuit for damages. Complete our online form or call us at (212) 248-7431. We represent clients on a contingency fee basis, which means we won’t recover our fees unless we secure compensation for you. We offer free consultations.

Discrimination Lawyer Success

  • $1.8 Million Race Discrimination

    Jesse S. Weinstein and Gregory W. Kirschenbaum successfully obtained a $1,800,000 unanimous jury verdict in the Southern District of New York on behalf of Plaintiff, John Pardovani. The verdict consisted of $800,000 in compensatory damages and $1,000,000 in punitive damages.

  • $280 Thousand Race Discrimination

    In a race discrimination case, a federal jury in New York found that use of the N-word in the workplace is never acceptable, even when used between black coworkers.

  • $2.2 Million Race Discrimination & Retaliation

    Greg Kirschenbaum was part of the trial team that won a $2.2 million verdict in a race discrimination and retaliation case in 2015. Rosas v. Balter Sales, et al.

  • $1.4 Million Religious & Sexual Orientation Discrimination

    Bryan Arce was part of the trial team that won a $1.4 million-dollar verdict in a religious and sexual orientation discrimination case brought by a Chef, which was the highest employment law verdict in 2012.